Cape Cod Upholstery Shop Privacy Policy
Joe Gramm Owner and Upholsterer
Company Policy
Checks |Credit or Debit Cards | Cash
Checks and Cash are preferred. Credit cards and debit cards accepted. Credit and debit card payments are process by Square.
Upholstery Fabric Orders:
All fabric only orders require payment in full when the order is placed. Payments can be made by check, cash, credit or debit cards.
Furniture Upholstery and Cushions:
Work is contracted on a C.O.D. basis. Payments can be made by check, cash, credit cards or debit cards. A deposit is required for fabric, foam and special order items. A deposit may also be required for labor only jobs.
Delivery by Cape Cod Upholstery:
Payment in full for any balance due is required at the time of delivery. If you can not be present at the time of delivery, payment in full may be required before a delivery can be made. Payment in full for any balance due is required if the customer picks up work at the shop.
I make every effort to assure you are satisfied with the workmanship by Cape Cod Upholstery Shop. Please let me know about any concerns or expectations you may have before your work is started or after it’s completed. Fabric warranty is the responsibility of the fabric manufacturer or distributor.
Privacy Policy
Your Privacy is important to me. Your email address, phone number or location will never be used for any purpose other than direct contact from Cape Cod Upholstery Shop. Your email address, phone number or location will never be sold to a third party. Photos of your completed work could be uploaded and displayed in my website Photo Gallery and used to promote the quality of my work. The photos could be indexed by search engines and displayed in the Images section of your web browser. You have the right to decline the use of your work being displayed in the photo gallery.
Cape Cod Upholstery Shop Privacy Policy updated March 5, 2021